domingo, 29 de marzo de 2015

The Universe People

This is one of the most known religion of this list.  This is a very complex religion.  I don't find a complete description of it.  The only thing I can say is that I really want to know more of this religion.

This religion has appeared in many important TV shows like: Nova TV and Czch Television this was in the 2000's, since that moment this religion has grow constantly.  The ideology in simple, a extraterrestrial civilization operates a fleet of spaceships orbiting the Earth.  They are closely watch ans help the goods and are waiting to transport their followers into another dimension.  They incorporate the element of ufology.  This religion is like, in someway for they ideology, the Christianity.

This is the kind of Interesting things I want to know more about.  Like I say before I want to find a church of Universe People here in Puerto Rico to enter an that religion and know more about them.  This is the only one, so far, that I don't find much information to write about, I'm sorry.  Well, I can't say go to the internet to know more about it because there are no more information than Wikipedia, I don't know way, because this is one of the most known. 

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015


This is a religion taking, for me, a post apocalyptic world that the remains humans get crazy and want to kill everyone.  They want to save the world because the world can do it by him self.  I like this form of thinking because is true.  But I don't agree one hundred percent with the form of do the things of they.  I will explain my self.

They belief is simple, if you want to save the planet, kill yourself.  This religion start because his founder Rev. Chris Korda have a dream in that a alien known as The Being told him about the inhabitant of earth in other dimension warned that our's planet ecosystem is falling.  They think that all the environmental crisis of the Earth is passing through are because the Homo Sapiens, they support the abortion, suicide and sodomy witch they define as any sexual act not intended for procreation.  Finally they are vegetarian and support cannibalism.

Well, this is a religion that I don't want to know in person.  I respect they beliefs.  But I don't accept it.  Like the other I just write superficially.  Go to the internet to know more.

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015


This religion is not from "Stars Wars" is just have some influence on it.  Is cataloged like a genuine religion.  The Jedis from this religion are not the same from the movies, they only have the same name.  They belief  are real and the exists in this world of another Jedis, no like the ones of the cinematic universe.  I will describe just some thing about this religion in the rest of this short essay.

They belief in the force and in the inhered worth of all life within it.  Don't accept the prejudice.  They belief also in the positive influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society.  Other one in the separation of religion and government.  They want the freedom of speech, association and expression.

For me, this religion is better than others known religion that are full of restrictions and prejudices.  Is strange because almost anyone know it, but I want to enter this religion because I really want to know more about it.  I just write just something about Jediims like I say before.  If you want to know more you can go to the internet.

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

Creativity Movement

              In this week theme I will star to introduce to the first strange religion.  The name of this religion is the creativity movement, it is a religion of only white people.  You will say, but that's normal.  The strange things I will explain shortly. I will not say everything about it, just speak only superficially exposing some things.

               This religion was founded in 1973 by Ben Klassen, and in 1998 Matt Hale assumed leadership, the ideology is kind of simple the white supremacy.  They think that the white people are the creators of all worthwhile culture and civilization.  They beliefs are based on the eternal laws of nature, are based on the lessons and experience of history and logic not in myths and fantasy.  They
belief in reality more than faith. They objectives are: the survival, expansion and advancement of the white race.  But the dark part of it is that their leader Matt Hale is sentence to 40 years in prison in 2005 for making plot to kill federal judges.  The religion is cataloged like racist, unchristian and neo-natzis.

               In conclusion this religion falls into strange, for me, by their ideologies.  Again maybe for you is this normal, yes they have rights to have their ideals.  But that does not mean that I will find strangers.  I don't tell everything, like I say before, I just write a small part of the information if you want to know more about this religion you can go to the internet.  This is my first post, over the semester will come more.

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

Introduction Stranges Religions

                When someone say the word "religion" we only think in the most common ones.  The Christianity is the first that come to ours mind maybe Judaism and other derivatives of the Christianity.  But what if I tell you that in this world exist religions so strange that almost everyone don't know they exist?  Well, in this blog I will talk about them.  I hope you enjoy it.